And so it begins …

Before bringing little miss Rosie home, Pat would say “dogs are really good practice for kids.”17855419_10154235205206786_7632867764167666802_o (1)

I would dramatically roll my eyes and tell him there is no way a dog could compare to a real-life tiny human. Babies need constant care; there would be SO many sleepless nights, they have NO idea what is going on – OH and don’t get me started on all that poop we’d have to take care of.

Insert laughter here.

I try not to say this in front of friends or family who have children or are about to have their own babies because I’m pretty sure they’d straight up slap me in the face, but It turns out – having a puppy is very much like having a baby, minus the pregnancy, labor, breastfeeding etc. etc. One conciliation prize for fur-baby parents – we are very much allowed to lock our pup in a crate and go to the pub around the corner for a pint and thank goodness for that allowance.

 Lessons from our first week

  1. Start a stock pile – Evenings at home & alcohol consumption are both on the rise
  2. Nap when she naps – Full nights of restful sleep are a thing of the past
  3. Keep Kleenex at the ready – Not for her, but for me! Breakdowns: All. The. Time.
  4. Watch your fingers – Puppies have dagger teeth and they’re not afraid to use them (unlike babies)
  5. Poop – everywhere

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